Ruger 2024 Fall Aiming For Zero – Falling Steel Match
The Fall Aiming for Zero charity event at Pioneer Sportsmen will be a falling steel match! Sign up on Practiscore today!
General Information
- Competitors are required to check in at least 30 minutes prior to their flight start time (for each flight entered).
- Competitors must attend the safety brief which will start 30 minutes before first shots for each flight.
- One gun per competitor per flight, no reentries in the same division.
- We are planning six stages with ten competitors per squad but may expand depending on demand.
- Competitors are required to help reset.
- Plaques will be awarded to the top three competitors in each division.
- This will be a lost brass match.
Dates and Times
Wednesday, August 21 | Setup |
Thursday, August 22 | Setup |
Friday, August 23 | AM – Staff, PM – Reserved |
Saturday, August 24 | AM – Competitors, PM – Competitors |
Sunday, August 25 | AM – Competitors, PM – Reserved |
First shots will be 8:30 AM for AM flights and 1:00 PM for PM fights.
We will consider opening the reserved flights if the open flights fill.
Please consider staffing the event. We will feed you lunch and give you one free entry into the match. Although we prefer staff to shoot on Friday morning, we will accommodate you shooting on the weekend if you can be flexible with the choice of flights. Please sign up on Practiscore and fill out the volunteer form. Feel free to email Aaron Pacyna (assistant match director) if you have any questions.
Raffle items will be on display and tickets for sale in the registration area (Archery Building). One drawing will be held after first shots of the last flight on Sunday. Winners will be posted in the registration area after the drawing. Prizes may be claimed in person (our preference) otherwise winners will be contacted using information provided in Practiscore (or on the ticket roster for non-competitors).
Side Match
Tickets will be available for sale in the registration area (Archery Building) or at the bay. The cost will be $5.00 for one run or $10.00 for three runs .
The round count will be approximately 14.
There will be no magazine limits for any gun. All guns shoot together (one division). Start position is “low ready.” All targets must fall for the score to count. Only the your fastest time counts (one person can not win both first and second prize).
There will be a cash prize for first and second place overall, as well as drawings for prizes for anyone who participates in the side match. All prizes, cash and items have been donated by generous sponsors. 100% of the entry fees will go to Aiming For Zero.
Prizes include CASH, SIG OPTICS, SIG flashlights, EGW gun parts, GT TARGETS, and the list is growing!
No braces or silencers are allowed in any division.
Open Auto
- Optics allowed
- Maximum magazine length of 171.5mm
- Bullet Point One
Limited Auto
- Optics allowed
- Ten rounds per mag at start signal
Stock Auto
- No optics
- Ten rounds per mag at start signal
Open Revolver
- Optics allowed
Stock Revolver
- No optics
- Optics allowed
- No magazine restrictions
Safety Rules
Safety rules violations incur a flight or match disqualification:
- 180 rule, during a course of fire, firearms may not be pointed up range of an imaginary plane that is parallel to the back berm, perpendicular to the ground, and passed through the competitor.
- Accidental discharge – any round fired while not actively engaging targets
- Trigger finger discipline – fingers must be visibly outside of the trigger guard while reloading or moving within/between shooting areas
- Handgun holster, if used, must hold firearm securely and cover the trigger guard
- PC
- Must be flagged except between the “make ready” and “range is clear” commands
- Must be cased or held securely in a cart with the muzzle pointing down within one foot of the cart except when at the firing line or safe table
- Pioneer Sportsman, Inc. has a “no muzzle over the berm” rule. This applies to reload except for revolvers with the cylinder open
- Safe tables will be clearly marked. Ammo may not be handled at the safe tables.
- Firearms must be bagged when transported from or to your vehicle. No unbagged firearms are allowed in the parking lot at any time.
- Full auto firearms may be used in semi auto mode.
- Only one shot per trigger pull.
- No binary triggers, bump stocks, or similar devices allowed.
- It is the shooter’s responsibility to adhere to all applicable laws.
- Magazines may not be retrieved from the ground between the start signal and range is clear command.
Match Procedures
- Knock down all visible targets in any order from the shooting position(s).
- Score will be time from the start signal to the last shot plus a five-second penalty for each target that is not down.
- Start Position
- Any/all safety mechanisms must be in working order and engaged. If a firearm has no external safety, the hammer must be down.
- Standing behind the table, both hands on firearm with muzzle touching the table.
- Fingers must be clearly outside the trigger guard.
- Range officer may declare a target down if it is hit more than once and fails to fall. Offering a reshoot will be at the discretion of the range officer. Keep shooting until all targets are down.
- There will be no “failure to engage” penalties.
- There will be a two minute time limit on all match stages. This is not a par time (there will be no penalty for overtime shots) but a means to ensure match flow. If invoked, the range officer will stop the competitor who will then receive the time on the timer plus a five-second penalty for each target still standing.
- Acceptable calibers: 9×19 mm, .40 S&W, .45 Auto, 38 Special. No magnum loads in any caliber. No ammo over 1350 fps.
- Practiscore will be used for scoring. Competitors are encouraged to review and accept their score after the “range is clear” command.
Range Commands
Range commands will be issued in the following format
- “Make ready” – Competitor will unbag, or draw their firearm, or remove PCC from cart, load, and assume the start position. Sight pictures are allowed from the shooting area of the start position.
- “Are you ready?” -The lack of response from the competitor is assumed to be affirmative
- “Stand by” -This command will be followed by a brief pause before the start signal. If a competitor moves before the start signal, the range officer will restart with “are you ready?”
- Start signal (beep from the timer) – competitor engages targets.
- “Stop” – If needed. The competitor will stop shooting and await further instruction.
- “If you are finished, unload and show clear” (or just “unload and show clear” if a competitor is stopped) – remove magazine or empty the cylinder, show the cleared firearm to the range officer.
- If clear, one of the following instructions are given. Note that “hammer down” means “pull the trigger while pointed at the rear berm”
- Auto – “If clear, hammer down and bag” (or “holster”)
- Revolver – “If clear, close cylinder and bag” (or “holster”)
- PCC – “If clear, hammer down, flag and bag” (or “return to cart”)
- “Range is clear” followed by the competitor’s time – it is safe to retrieve magazines or clips and proceed downrange to reset.