Aiming for Zero and Active Heroes: A Shared Commitment to Supporting Veterans Transitions into New Chapters
Dunbarton, NH, 05/01/2024 – Aiming for Zero and Active Heroes, two organizations renowned for their dedication to supporting active duty personnel, veterans, and military families, announce an evolution in their partnership. Aiming for Zero, having been an integral part of Active Heroes for years, is now branching out independently to focus specifically on competitive shooting matches across the nation that directly benefit those who have served.
While Aiming for Zero transitions into this exciting new phase, Active Heroes will continue to devote its efforts to its retreat in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, maintaining its unwavering commitment to assisting veterans in their journey towards wellness and preventing veteran suicide.
Both organizations remain steadfast in their shared mission to put an end to veteran suicide. Their decision to operate independently stems from a strategic approach to better address the diverse needs of their respective communities and enhance their impact on the lives of veterans and military families nationwide.
“Aiming for Zero and Active Heroes have long stood shoulder to shoulder in our commitment to supporting those who have served our nation,” said Chris Tessier, spokesperson for Aiming for Zero. “As we embark on this new chapter, we are excited about the opportunities to deepen our engagement with competitive shooting events, bring greater awareness to the challenges faced by our veterans and provide greater support to a larger number of veterans.”
Aiming for Zero has been instrumental in raising awareness about veteran suicide and providing critical resources to those in need. By operating independently, Aiming for Zero is poised to reach even greater heights in their efforts to honor and support our nation’s heroes.
For more information about Aiming for Zero, please visit
Christopher Tessier
President – Board of Directors